Sunday, October 16, 2011

Martin Luther King Memorial Being Dedicated Today

Almost to a soul, we remember those famous words, "I have a dream." and today, a long awaited moment for many in the Civil Rights Movement has finally arrived. President Obama today will dedicate the Martin Luther King Memorial in Washington, DC.

The journey to that promised land where we have equal rights for one and all is not complete, many prejudices still exist, but the completion of this monument at a cost of some $140 million dollars stands as testament to just how far we as a nation have come since that cold day on December 1, 1955 when the "First Lady of Civil Rights" Rosa Parks, refused to surrender her seat on the bus and move to the back where colored folks were supposed to be.

At 11AM this morning CNN will be airing Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech in its entirety, and it is something the whole family should sit and watch on this day when finally, a testament to Civil Rights, to Martin Luther King is dedicated, and open to the public. We still have a long journey ahead of us as we address our own prejudices, as we work to truly become one nation under God where every man, woman and child has truly equal rights, but on this day, let us all rejoice over the progress we have made, and reflect on the journey yet ahead.

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